2021 Report Published
The LiME Hub is pleased to announce that we have published our latest Annual Report, detailing all of the research progress and collaborations which we have made since the project started in November 2015.
The overarching focus of the LiME Hub remains our long-term vision of ‘full metal circulation’. We have been conducting fundamental research to deliver a nucleation centred solidification science to underpin full metal circulation; we have been carrying out applied research to develop advanced metallic materials and sustainable metal processing technologies to enable full metal circulation; we have been participating in/supporting industrial research and development to facilitate full metal circulation; we have been fulfilling a comprehensive outreach programme to engage potential stakeholders to ensure the widest possible impact of full metal circulation; and we have embedded a centre for doctoral training in liquid metal engineering (LiME-CDT) to train future leaders to deliver long-lasting impact of full metal circulation.
Download & Read the report here: