Dr Christopher Gourlay
Reader, Imperial College London
Address: Department of Materials, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, UK
Email: c.gourlay@imperial.ac.uk
Telephone: +44(0) 20 7594 8707
Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/c.gourlay
Christopher Gourlay is a Reader in Solidification Processing at Imperial College London. He read metallurgy at the University of Oxford (MEng, 2002) and the University of Queensland (PhD, 2007), where he worked within the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Cast Metals Manufacturing. He was then a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for design in light metals (2007-08). He joined the Materials Department at Imperial College in 2008 on a RAEng/EPSRC Research Fellowship and was made Lecturer in 2012, Senior Lecturer in 2014 and Reader in 2016. From 2014-19, Chris holds an EPSRC ‘Research Fellowship for Growth’ in solidification processing of alloys for sustainable manufacturing. He was the recipient of the Frank-Fitzgerald Medal (2009) and the Silver Medal (2010) of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Crystal Growth. Much of his research involves industrial collaboration. Industrial partners on recent collaborations include Nihon Superior Co., Ltd., AWE plc, and Hydro Aluminium.
Research Interests: Alloy solidification applied to casting and electronic soldering with interests including: Mushy-zone mechanics; X-ray imaging of solidification phenomena; Nucleation; Eutectics; Intermetallic crystal growth; High-pressure die casting.