Dr Yan Huang
Associate Investigator
Senior Lecturer in BCAST, Brunel University London
Address: BCAST, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
Email: yan.huang@brunel.ac.uk
Telephone: +44(0)1895 266976
Website: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/bcast
Dr Yan Huang joined BCAST at Brunel University as a lecturer in 2010. He obtained his PhD in 1990 in Materials Engineering at Northeastern University, China, where he also served as a lecturer and associate professor. He then moved to Manchester, UK, where he worked at the University of Manchester as a research fellow until recently. During 2004-2010, he also worked for Confae Technology Ltd, UK, as a technical manager. His research has been mainly concerned with the microstructures and textures developed during thermomechanical processing of aluminium and other alloys, with particular interest in the grain boundary behaviour, severe plastic deformation and the application of high resolution Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) to the quantification of microstructures. He has a good record of publication and extensive experience in managing both fundamental research and commercially driven development projects.
Research Interests: Current interests include the development of advanced casting technologies such as Twin Roll Casting of light alloys, microstructure and texture characterization by EBSD, combined and optimized solidification and themomechanical processing and the related thermodynamics.